One of HVP's school buildings was devastated and subsequently demolished after an earthquake of magnitude 7.9 hit West Kathmandu on April 25th 2015
The school has managed to erect temporary learning centers but are struggling to sustain the same level of classroom activities
Designs for a new earthquake proof building are underway but requires £300,000 funding
HVPN-UK are a volunteer led socio-educational organisation that provides practical support and financial assistance to help the work of the Hindu Vidyapeeth (HVP) movement in Nepal
We seek to build a strong future for Nepal through schools and community projects based on Human Values Philosophy channeling all funds raised towards valuable work in Nepal
We also act as a forum for HVP Nepal friends, supporters and former volunteers to share their experiences with each other and keep up to date with news and developments from Nepal
HVP stands for 'Hindu-Vidyapeeth'. Vidyapeeth, a sanskrit word from the Vedas meaning 'centre of knowledge', reflects the role of the organisation in education and the promotion of wisdom in all generations of Nepali society through its schools and social projects.
Rather than a concentration on education for purely materialistic gain, HVP aims to place all the knowledge it bestows in a context of spiritual and cultural understanding and to lead by example to a more peaceful and responsible society. This aim is reflected by the 'Hindu' part of the name, since although HVP is not a religious organisation it recognises that the culture of Nepal is rooted in Hinduism and that work to improve it should build upon the wisdom held in Hindu philosophy and tradition.
HVP can also stand for 'Human Values Philosophy' which is a more universally understood term for the values encapsulated by the HVP movement and its projects.

Matt Larsen-Daw: Chair
Eileen Daw: Secretary
Freya Perry: Volunteer Coordinator
Matthew Hilton-Dennis: Communications & Head of Education Sub-Committee
Lara Atkin: Co-Treasurer
Olivia Bogert: Co-Treasurer
Mridu Nepali: Trustee