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20:20 For Nepal

Nepal is in lockdown and the HVP schools are closed, receiving no monthly fees and no government support.


Help HVP weather the pandemic crisis with a 2-part donation. £20 to contribute to a crisis appeal to cover staff salaries and online lessons during lockdown, and £20 a month for our scholarship scheme to ensure we can support students from poorer families and those hit worst by CV-19 - especially girls - to return to school after the schools reopen.

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Every year HVPN-UK allocates thousands of pounds to HVP projects in Nepal, enabling work that reaches some of the most marginalised people in Nepali society, giving them opportunities that will enable them to transform their lives


Our supporters believe vision of a strong future for Nepal, built on the principles of Human Values Philosophy such as equality, social responsibility and  love of peace


To support our work simply follow the link below to make a donation via our JustGiving page. This platform allows us to collect an additional 25% on your donation if you are a UK taxpayer- please be sure to opt in for Gift Aid when you put through your donation.


Email us at if you wish your donation to support a particular school or project, otherwise it will be allocated where it is most needed by the Trustees in our next quarterly Committee Meeting. Our Annual Report gives details of how our support has been distrivuted and the impact achieved in Nepal each year. As a volunteer-led charity our overheads are minimal (average less than 2% of income over the past 10 years), ensuring that your  as much of your donation as possible - and any Gift Aid collected - goes directly to support our educational and social impact in Nepal.


*Please be aware that UK tax payers can add

Gift Aid to their donation and we will receive 25% more than your donation


HVPN-UK is volunteer-led, and we have limited capacity to organise fundraising events or to apply to trusts and grants for large-scale support projects in Nepal.


Raising funds for HVPN-UK from your friends and family couldn’t be easier and by giving a little of your time and energy you could make a huge positive impact in Nepal. 


Set up a fundraising page today by visiting and create an account linking it to HVP Nepal-UK.


Sign up as a monthly donor to the HVP Scholarship Fund to boost the reach and impact of HVP's work in Nepal.


At the HVP schools, fees are calculated based on a needs-assessment of each family. We subsidise the fees from the HVPN-UK scholarship fund to ensure that no child is denied the opportunity for an education due to financial hardship.


Some students receive scholarship support to cover all or part of their school fees, while some (especially those resident in the Children's Peace Home) have all costs covered to enable them to attend school - including accommodation, food, uniform and books.


Regular giving is the most valuable form of support for our work. £30 per month can cover full scholarship support for one student, however due to the flexible nature of our scholarship support structure any regular donation into our scholarship fund increases the essential work HVP does to provide educational opportunities to those who would otherwise miss out. Please support with whatever you can afford, and consider increasing your monthly contribution when you can afford to give more.


You will receive a printable letter of appreciation to acknowledge your suport as a patron of the HVP schools, and an annual update on the Scholarship scheme.


To sign up as a regular supporter of the scholarship scheme set up a monthly standing order to:

Barclays Bank: HVP-UK
Sort code: 20-49-76
Account Number: 00540102


Once set up please email with:

1. Your full name and address
2. The amount you are giving monthly
3. The date we will receive the first monthly payment


There are few better ways to leave a lasting impact on the world than to contribute to the education of young people who would otherwise be denied the opportunity for a quality education.


If you would like to include HVPN-UK in your will, please contact us for all the relevant details. We are happy to offer reports on the impact of your donation to family members. Please email

Anchor 1


â–º  April 25th 2015 Kathmandu was  

      struck by an earthquake of magnitude 7.9


â–º There has since been 475 aftershocks

      greater than magnitude 4


â–º Estimated 2000+ fatalities, zero from HVP



â–º One of HVP's school buildings was

      devastated and subsequently



â–º  Plans for a new earthquake safe building

       requires £300,000 funding

The earthquake


On 25th April 2015 an earthquake measuring 7.9 on the Richter scale hit Nepal, to the West of Kathmandu. Buildings were levelled and the death toll is expected to exceed 2000. HVP Nepal is uniquely placed to provide support directly to those in local communities most affected by the earthquake and the chaos that followed. Our schools and projects that are embedded within communities were able to engage the most vulnerable through our local staff. 


We have projects in Kathmandu, Thali and Dang - all places affected by the earthquake. Thanks to some luck and a good deal of forward planning with the support of HVP Nepal-UK, the schools and projects were not seriously affected and suffered no casualties. Money is urgently needed to replace the wing of HVP Central School, damaged by the earthquake and aftershocks. Many classes are enduring lessons in tents in the school grounds. Every penny raised will go to restoring the school to full capacity and allowing it to continue to enhance the future opportunities of individuals, families and whole communities through education and social work base on Human Values Philosophy. 


Road to recovery


HVP’s plans for a new building are important for the future of the school and the local community. In 2015 many people in the school’s local area went missing  or were scared of returning to their homes after the impact of the devastating earthquake. Water, warmth and security were serious problems and HVP worked hard to support as many people as possible. Fortunately HVP’s main building withstood the quake with no damage, but their second building was badly affected and has now been demolished.


Designs for the new HVP building include using earthquake-resistant technology for the foundations and structure. With five floors (built floor-by-floor over time), a large main hall and 16 classrooms, it will provide space for 640 students and at a time of crisis can offer shelter to around 800 people. All rooms will have two-way ventilation and windows on both sides to allow the sun’s light and warmth in all day. This will make it an environmentally friendly and healthy space for learning and sanctuary. It is also well designed to provide access for the physically disabled and injured. The municipality is offering technical support as they are keen for it to be a model building and an example of good practice.


The Nepali Government recently declared all schools must now offer classes for grades 11 and 12 – HVP currently educates students up to grade 10. However, the loss of the old building means students are already being squeezed into the reduced space remaining and there is no room for such expansion. This makes the new building even more vital for HVP’s future. It may also provide opportunities to offer university courses, perhaps run in the evenings to make maximum benefit of the new space and enable employed Nepali’s the ability to study around their work.


The plans for the new building received an extremely positive response from the surrounding community. It will be a place of safety if disaster strikes again and will help to reduce anxiety and fear felt by local people, as well as potentially saving many lives in the future. HVP is keen for the project to be for the whole community; to provide important services locality improving education, offer sanctuary and bring a peace of mind and hope to many.


The cost for building this significant place of learning and safety is around 40 million Nepalese rupees, roughly £300,000.  We can ensure that the wider communities recover from this disaster stronger than ever. Please give as much as you can afford or help HVP securei funding. We always welcome  ideas, suggestions and donations from friends and supporters. . HVP Nepal-UK is volunteer-led so 100% of your donation will go to where is it most needed in Nepal. 

UK Registered Charity No. 1082685

18 High Street, Sutton Courtenay,
Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 4AP, UK

07888 744595 |

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